
Friday 16 March 2018

Extra Terrestrial

Easter Island

How Rugby League Has Changed

Pirate Swords

Pirate Swords On the pirate ship there are 24 pirate swords. Each pirate has 2 swords.If half the pirates lost a sword in battle and a quarter of the pirates each gained a new sword, how many swords would there now be on the pirate ship? 18 Swords

Because half of the pirates lost a sword in a battle but which would = 12 but then a quarter of the pirates got one sword each more that's 6 so then 12 + 6 = 18

If a third of the swords were then lost how many would there be left? 0 Swords

Because a third of 24 is 18 so 18 - 18 = 0

Find A Fraction

WALT: find a fraction of a whole number

Show your working out below or on  a separate slide

Example:    ⅔ of 21=14

1) Find 1/3 of 21 =7 2) Find 1/5 of 60= 12

3) Find 6 /10 of 60=10 4) Find 6/8 of 96 =48

5) Find 2/ 3 of 36 =18 6) Find 3 /8 of 32= 24

7) Find 1/4 of 44 =11    8) Find 2/10 of 220 = 12

9) Find 7/8  of 40=5                              10) Find 1/10 of 80 = 8